Assessment centres have become an integral part of application processes, often used in entry roles such as apprenticeships and graduate schemes. They serve as a way for your assessors and your company to learn more about you, your skillset and how you work in a team.
They can seem daunting at first, being lined up with the rest of the applicants, team exercises, tests - but fear not, we’ve got you covered with these key tips for you to show the best version of yourself:
1, Research The Company.
This won’t be the last time you hear this tip - it’s essential. Understanding where you hope to work for, who you will be engaging with and aligning your values with theirs is really important. You want to make sure that you are interested and up to date with current company updates, who key players are, who your potential team is, their services and your clients. To find out about the company, you can find lots of resources on the organisation’s website, blog, case studies, and social media platforms.
2, Research Your Role
Knowing what your role will entail, what your employer’s expectations will be of you and how you will meet those are three points to be armed with before you. Think about what you’ve done in previous roles or experiences and how the skills you developed there can be transferable to your potential role. Consider how you could be the best fit for the role, what your skills can bring to the table for your employer and what draws you to the role - passion is really important to show your intent for the role. Knowing the job description back to back will help you to mould into the role and be the best candidate.
3. Understand the process
You’ve been through applications, telephone and video interviews and tests - familiarise yourself with the final step. For every opportunity, it will be slightly different, so make sure to engage with every tool your recruitment coordinator gives you; whether that’s advice they give you, Q+A sessions, help packs for applicants, as well as researching online what previous applicants have said about the process, having a list of questions to ask different people along the way that shows interest and engagement in their day to day runnings. Give yourself the best chance you have by being prepared for the day.
4. Concentrate, Be in the Moment.
Be assertive and confident in your decisions and give your other colleagues a platform as well - being a team player is important in every role. Don’t let your previous performances bring you down or concern you, you’re here now! Don’t worry about other candidates, focus on how you are presenting yourself; are you speaking clearly, are you being polite and respectful to others, are you being intuitive and problem solving through challenges thrown at you in a team exercise, for example? Take one step at a time in assessment centres, but take firm and thought out steps. Also, having an active role in the assessment process is really important, to engage with other candidates and staff you meet during the day, will show your assessors your confidence and courtesy - always valued.
5. Have Faith in Yourself
You have made it to this stage for a reason - don’t let yourself down now! Hold your head up high, remember why you are here. You have consistently shown traits of what they seek for the role so keep those close to you and remember why you are here. Everyone gets nervous before interviews, even the interviewers; so don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Assessor warm to the idea of individuality and self confidence, so own it!
5 tips for acing an Assessment Centre
Apr 2023
Shoshanna Davis